Organizational Development and Organizational Capacity Assessment, Strategic Planning, Management Accounting and Finance Management

Strategic and business planning for NGOs

Strategic planning is a decision-making process for choosing areas of activity, a plan for achieving them, and identifying funding sources for activities.

We help non-profit organizations and social enterprises to:

  • Prepare a development strategy;
  • Choose the best legal form of business activity;
  • Analyze all tax and legal aspects for future activities;
  • Determine the financial model of activity;
  • Build an effective organizational structure to implement strategic directions;
  • Implement strategic and operational planning.

Organizational development

Regardless of the form of a non-profit organization (civic organization, charitable foundation, association, etc.), its mission and activities, it is founded to assist society and people. To succeed in their activities, non-profit organizations need to take care of their institutional development and potential. To do this, they need to have clearly defined processes, developed internal policies and procedures, as well as finance management and control systems.

We cooperate with Donors and Technical Assistance Projects as an organizational development consultant and offer the following services to non-profit organizations:

  • Assessment of the organizational capacity of non-profit organizations using various assessment methodologies;
  • Analysis of internal systems of non-profit organizations;
  • Examination of internal policies and procedures and internal control;
  • Facilitation of the process of identifying development priorities with compiling an organizational development plan;
  • Organizational audit and recommendations to implement;
  • Conducting an internal audit;
  • Development and improvement of internal policies and procedures.

Preparation of NGOs for international audit

We have 20 years of experience in conducting audits of financial statements and capacity building services to non-profit organizations:

  • Analysis of constituent documents;
  • Testing of accounting, internal control and risk management systems;
  • Testing of existing policies and procedures in the organization;
  • Testing of management accounting and financial management;
  • Testing of information systems.

We provide an advisory opinion with recommendations to improve internal document management and finance management systems.

Implementation of financial management systems

The process of managing non-profit organizations involves transparent conduct of statutory activities and timely receipt of reliable financial information needed to make optimal management decisions by the Organization’s management.

A non-profit organization should have transparent book-keeping as well as provide reporting to donors, regulatory authorities and its members. The main task here is to formulate and define the procedure for providing such information and analyzing it. Compass Group develops finance management procedures and management accounting (budgeting) systems, taking into account all the organization’s internal standards and international practices.

We offer the following services to non-profit organizations:

  • Development of finance management policies;
  • Allocation of financial responsibilities among organization’s team;
  • Development of a management chart of accounts and financial budget form;
  • Assessment of administrative and project costs, implementation of procedures and methods for cost allocation between projects;
  • Implementation of reconciliation processes between financial and management accounting
  • Establishing methods of currency conversion for financial reporting to donors;
  • Implementation of internal control systems.

Consulting on ITA project management

Our experts provide international technical assistance project management advice to Ukrainian non-profit organisations and foreign contractors implementing projects funded by the European Union, USAID, GIZ, SIDA and other international donor organisations.

What do we offer?

To non-resident contractors:

  • Consulting on labor, civil and tax law;
  • Adaptation of the contractor’s internal policies and procedures to the national legislation of Ukraine;
  • Tax consulting for non-residents and expatriates;
  • Consulting support in selection of project partners and their organizational capacity assessment.

For Ukrainian legal entities:

  1. Consulting at the stage of preparing project budgets.
    This stage involves careful preparation for the upcoming work, consideration of potential resources, financial planning and the procedure for cooperation with partners, co-funders and sub-grantees.
  2. Consultations on preparation and establishment of a project finance management system.
    At this stage, it is important to establish a feasible finance management system for the project. This work includes development of an internal policy of control over finances and budget monitoring; the procedure for approving financial reports, a list of primary documents; cost share procedures; rules for submission of financial reports by partners and sub-grantees.
  3. Consultations on the management of project workflows and procurement processes.
    At this stage, the project team is compiled, the functional responsibilities of each project participant and areas of responsibility are allocated, the project work plan is developed, a system for working with sub-grantees is set up, and procurement processes are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the donor organisations.
  4. Consultations on primary document flow, financial reporting and accounting.
    Development of the primary document flow taking into account the requirements of international donor organizations, determination of the area of responsibilities and persons responsible for the receipt of primary documents by the Organization at each stage of the project.
  5. Audit of expenses received for the project and the rules of their targeted use.

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